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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Guest Post- Darryl Marzyck- It ain't easy bein' green beans.

Happy New Year, all! I want to share with you some nifty green beans and catfish dinners that were sent to me by Darryl Marzyck. They are for a production of 'August- Osage County' that he worked on. He was on a budget, and I think he came up with a pretty clever solution. These green beans are made of rawhide chews, acrylic paint, and polyurethane. Pretty clever, I think.

Here's what Darryl writes about his catfish dinners:

"The dinners came out really well considering that they were made from salt dough and rigid insulation.  I worked acrylic paint into the salt dough for the carrots and the broccoli which helped when it came time for paint.  I gave the tops of the veggies a dab of poly to make them look more appetizing.  I was amazed at how difficult it was to make 'broccoli  green' paint!

 Elmer's glue and real bread crumbs made the fish look great.  I was careful to let some of the 'fish' show through.

I also whipped up a loaf of bread with my left over rigid foam.  It has managed to fool quite a few folks backstage. "
I know how he feels about the broccoli- I can't tell you how many times I've tried to make a good tomato sauce color- only to be completely defeated.  Anyway, good work, Darryl- I love to see what other propsters are cooking up!

Happy Propping!


  1. Your work is gorgeous. Do you make props for a fee? I am organizing a writer's conference and our keynote speaker's novel cover is a gorgeous bowl of peach sorbet and blueberries. I've been trying to find a way to make or buy unique centerpieces for this event. Please let me know if this is something you'd consider. Thanks, Charli

    1. Charli,

      I do occasionally take freelance projects, yes. Drop me an email at to tell me a little bit more about what you're looking for. What do you have in mind? How many do you need? When do you need them? And what is your budget?

      I'm always excited about new food projects, it just depends on the right production time and budget to make it happen.

      Anna Warren
