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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Guest Post- Darryl Marzyck- It ain't easy bein' green beans.

Happy New Year, all! I want to share with you some nifty green beans and catfish dinners that were sent to me by Darryl Marzyck. They are for a production of 'August- Osage County' that he worked on. He was on a budget, and I think he came up with a pretty clever solution. These green beans are made of rawhide chews, acrylic paint, and polyurethane. Pretty clever, I think.

Here's what Darryl writes about his catfish dinners:

"The dinners came out really well considering that they were made from salt dough and rigid insulation.  I worked acrylic paint into the salt dough for the carrots and the broccoli which helped when it came time for paint.  I gave the tops of the veggies a dab of poly to make them look more appetizing.  I was amazed at how difficult it was to make 'broccoli  green' paint!

 Elmer's glue and real bread crumbs made the fish look great.  I was careful to let some of the 'fish' show through.

I also whipped up a loaf of bread with my left over rigid foam.  It has managed to fool quite a few folks backstage. "
I know how he feels about the broccoli- I can't tell you how many times I've tried to make a good tomato sauce color- only to be completely defeated.  Anyway, good work, Darryl- I love to see what other propsters are cooking up!

Happy Propping!