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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chickens ala Aimee, or the funniest food prop I've ever seen.

 Materials: Utility Fabric, Pinto Beans, Poly fill, Pretzels (optional), Plastic Bags.

This week's project comes to you from my good friend, Aimee Plant, who is a free lance propster in and about Chicago.  For a production of 'Milk, Milk, Lemonade' by Pavement Group, Aimee had to make a slew of raw chickens. The shtick is that chickens go into the processing machine and, after a poof of feathers, processed, bagged chickens come out.  According to Aimee, one of the chickens to meet her untimely fate is also the best friend of the human protagonist- and played by an actress in chicken costume. For her processing, Aimee made a large, turkey sized chicken.

The chickens are soft sculpture- and made from a fabric called Utility Fabric. Aimee wishes it were more specifically named, but she believes that it is used to cover changing tables and other surfaces that need to be wipeable.  The stuffing is a mixture of poly fill and pinto beans (for heft) which are very common and useful stuffing choices.

First, Aimee made a prototype out of muslin, to make sure her size and shape were correct.

Once she had determined that she was on the right track, she cut her pieces out of the fabric.

Then she sewed them together and stuffed them while she enjoyed a delicious snack of pretzels.
Filling for chickens and tummy.
Pile of chicken parts.
Then, she pieced the chicken parts together into whole chickens.
Possibly the funniest food prop I have ever seen. 

Then bagged them.

If you've seen a funnier food prop- send me a picture!


  1. Any chance of getting patterns or renting chickens? We need a couple dozen for our upcoming production of "Beware the Man Eating Chicken"

  2. please oh please post the pattern!

    1. I don't have the pattern, but if you email me at, I'll put you in contact with the woman who made them.
