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Monday, September 6, 2010

One Last Herring Cake

This cake is the last of the opera's Albert Herring food-stravaganza, and it happens to be the one that I made.  Here is the research image:

Isn't it darling? You just know that whoever baked it was wearing pearls and a crinoline!

I started by using the band saw to cut a bevel into my bead foam base, and then cut a hole into the middle of the cake.  I then sanded the edges to soften them.  Next, I mixed some color into my acrylic caulk, and frosted the cake.

Once the frosting dried, I decorated the cake using items I found in stock; some foam lemon slices that I painted orange and some little silk daisies. Ta-da!

Note: There is actually one other Herring cake, a lovely strawberry number by Keli (of the Sham ala Keli entry.) Unfortunately, I do not have photos of said cake. If I come across any, I will post them!


  1. I really liked all these posts on cakes. Looks like it was a tasty summer. I bet it was fun doing research for them!

  2. Thanks, Eric. It was really fun to make the cakes- there were enough that almost all of the crafters got to make their own. I'm pretty partial to fake cakes myself, but I think the apprentices really enjoyed making them, too. Also yes, the research was fun, but it made me want to eat cake. :)
