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Friday, May 14, 2010

Thai Take Out

This project was for our production of “Happy Now” last season. The couple is unpacking their take out Thai food while they have a fight, and the noodles end up spilling all over- with an instant clean up, of course.

These noodles are the ones that stayed safely in their containers, and they are a very simple recipe. The noodles are made of thin slices of translucent visqueen. I added some tofu chunks (upholstery foam), some cilantro (plastic herbs), and some fake peapods, and then tossed it all in the sauce. The sauce is flex glue, with a little bit of raw sienna acrylic paint mixed in. The flex glue works well, because not only does it give the look of sauce, it also helps to hold everything together.

The spillable noodles were made from hot pour vinyl, also cut into thin strips, and tossed in baby powder to keep them separated. They were also garnished with fake cilantro and peapods. To keep the lid ready to fall off, I filled the lip of the lid with hot glue, which made it sit on top of the container without latching. The noodles spilled convincingly, but also were easily swept back into the container for clean up. Once the containers were preset in the take out bag, the couple was all ready for their fight.


  1. that's awesome! looks so real.

  2. Just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.
